I never ate at a US school cafeteria but my mind stole that TV imagery and packed it tightly in a blue tin box. I am part of your everyday American lunch.
I am a life experience thief.
I will go after your peanut
Butter and jelly sandwich
Before I even know it exists.
Global thirst is my
Condensed milk in your
Soy beans and Spanish
Hunger of the red and white
Golden arches hold my
Universal childhood's swing:
It's the world's endless playground,
Come and spice my
Chicken wings.
I grew up in an Oxo castle.
I had Marmite to spread.
Animal blood,
Black pudding,
Capitalism in Paris.
I am a life experience thief.
I'm your hunger,
I'm your thirst.
Take me out or dine me in.
Cross me out of every menu,
Or I'll try to eat you first.